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get in Touch

Whether you just want to inquire or start a project, feel free to contact me and I will get in touch with you quickly.

Let’s talk about the process

​​​​​​​ FIRST of all
There is no specific instant recipe for successful branding work. There is no method that can be used everywhere.
However, there are solutions that we use successfully along a smart and developed concept.
I describe the process briefly below:
  1. Just drop me a single mail and describe the task and your goals, even just in a few sentences. I will respond within
    1 business day and offer an online call appointment.
  2. After our discussion, I will send you a pretty detailed brief with relevant questions specially prepared for you. This is necessary in order to define the tasks precisely.
  3. Based on the completed brief, I will prepare a preliminary analysis along with an accurate offer regarding price and deadlines, then we will clarify the details and mark the milestones together during a repeated online call.
  4. According to the previously determined budget and timing, we conclude a contract and the project starts.
Got a good project? Don’t hesitate to talk about it!

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